Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Getting started

The hardest part is getting started. I know this from the many times I have begun a new job, set out on a new adventure, started a weight loss program or begun a new chapter in my life; living abroad, meeting my wife, the arrival of my first son. Without taking that first step none of us would have accomplished much at all. And so it is that I am once again taking a first step into the unknown.

My hope is that I can find both those who are like minded and those who can challenge my thinking. In the days to come I want to address many issues that have been rolling around in my brain to see if any have substance. Your feedback, whether you agree or not, will always be appreciated.

I guess the first topic I have is concerning the 9/11 attacks. When they happened I was teaching in Prague and was finishing my day when a colleague told me that the first tower had been hit and that there was coverage on the Internet. I was reading about it as the whole thing was unfolding. Then the videos started being posted and I saw the second tower hit. We were all in shock. That night I had a dinner date with some of my colleagues at another colleague's home. The hosts were from the States and my colleague's husband worked for the State Department in the embassy there. As we gathered that evening we headed for the television to see what was being reported on the news. The dinner was a rather somber event and I left early to try to sort through my thoughts. One persisting thought was that our own government may have contrived the whole incident to be able to successfully promote an agenda or some form of social engineering. It has happened before. What I felt then was that America would never be the same country I knew. The next morning, riding the tram to work, the tears just started flowing and I was so alone. There was no one on that tram who could know the depth of emotion that I was experiencing believing that the America that I had known was gone forever. For the Czechs on the tram it was something bad but it was too far away to be concerned about. It wasn't long after that that the President sold the nation a war based on lies and fear and at about the same time submitted The Patriot's Act to Congress for approval, over ten thousand pages of changes to the federal code giving the President unprecedented powers. As a result of 9/11 two things occurred. A war that was in the discussion stages was now linked to a terrorist act and sold to the people and social engineering had begun by causing so much fear that 'we the people' were willing to give away our constitutional rights that secure our freedom in order to preserve our freedom. If this makes no sense to you then we are in agreement. So, did the President have prior knowledge and participate in the attacks? That is the question that has been haunting me since 9/11/2001

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